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Several Vacancy at Jakarta

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PT. Hasjrat Abadi, we are one of the growth company with more than 50 branches & representative offices in Indonesia, looking for talented candidates for Jakarta head office operation. If you are a person who enjoys challenges, high motivation, energic and dynamic, we invite you to explore these opportunities as part of our team for the following positions :

1. Marketing General Manager
a. 1 Person for Automotive
b. 1 Person for Non Automotive
2. Senior Audit Manager 1 person
3. Marketing Manager
a. 1 person for bahan bangunan
b. 1 person for outboard motor
c. 1 person for Electronic
4. Finance Investment Manager 1 person
5. Budget Accounting Manager 1 person
6. Audit Supervisor 2 person
7. Senior Accounting Staff
a. 1 person for reconciliation
b. 1 person for Account Receivable / Financial Report
8. Junior Secretary 1 person
9. Audit Staff 3 person
10. Finance Staff
a. 1 person for Tax
b. 1 person for Insurance
11. IT Staff
a. 2 person for Application Specialist
b. 1 person for Programming
c. 1 person for Database Administration
12. HRD Staff 4 person

Education Requirements:

S1/S2 Degree from prominent Indonesian or foreign universities (1 – 12)
S2 Degree (1) preferable in marketing
S1/S2 Degree in Accounting (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9)
S1/S2 Degree in Information Technology (11)
Experience Requirements:
· Minimum 5 years of working experience in multi branches company with similar position (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
· Minimum 3 years of working experience in multi branches company (6, 7)
· Minimum 1-2 years of working experience with similar position (8 - 12)
Capability Requirements:
· Strong leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills (1-6)
· Preferable having experiences in distribution company (1-6)
· Responsible to control operational activities in marketing division of Head Offices and Branches Office (1, 3)
· Having sound knowledge of Audit procedures, Accounting Systems Procedure, taxation, and budgeting for multi financing companies (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10)
· Having sound knowledge of SAP, IT Procedure and implementation (11)
General Requirements:
· Male / Female
· Computer literature
· Able to work with as a team or individually
· Able to work independently and under pressure

Only candidates who meet the above requirements should submit their complete CV together with a detail explanation on their career history and the position code number to:



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